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Horizontal Root Fracture Treatment Therapy

 ·  ☕ 3 min read  ·  ❤️ Dawn Jones

Horizontal Root Fracture Treatment Therapy


They are broadly classified as horizontal and vertical root fractures. How to treat a horizontal root fracture.

Root fractures and its management
Root fractures and its management from
If unrecognized, vertical root fractures can lead to frustration and inappropriate endodontic treatment. Management of horizontal root fractures presents a challenge to clinicians because of the difficulty in achieving a stable reunion of fracture fragments. Apical fractures have great long term survivial rates without any type of treatment at all.

However, root treated teeth are more susceptible to root fracture, as this involves removing root dentine.

Intralveolar root fractures  they subclassified on the basis of: How to treat a horizontal root fracture. Statistical analysis showed the highest level of significance between pulpal lesions (t0) and associated fractures. The general treatment should be to save the tooth. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult as there is often no. They are broadly classified as horizontal and vertical root fractures. Follow up radiograph of this case report. Conservation is fast becoming the basis of human activity. I usually give a horizontal root fracture time to heal on its own and let the body do its thing — as long as the tooth is stable and not mobile. Radiographic examination revealed horizontal root fracture at the apical third of the left maxillary central incisor. Case report treatment of horizontal root fracture: Rodrigo dos santos pereira et al. The radiographic view of the patient before treatment. Traumatic root fracture occurs most often in the middle third of the roots of fully erupted and fully formed teeth. Management of horizontal root fractures presents a challenge to clinicians because of the difficulty in achieving a stable reunion of fracture fragments. Dental trauma, endodontics, fracture, horizontal, root fracture, trauma. Annals of maxillofacial surgery, 2018.